Our Values 

Our values as a Church derive from an acronym CATALYST (as shown below).  These 8-core values shape everything we are and do as a church and help us to translate our vision and mission into strategy.  As an acronym, CATALYST serves as a reminder and as a fuel for us to live out loud for Jesus and the Kingdom of God. 

Catalyst Acronym

C - Jesus is the core of our lives, individually and corporately. He is our motivation, message, mission, and ministry. He is our prime example of what it means to live as God intended.

A - Prayer and the Word is the way we communicate with God. He speaks, we listen and vice versa.  We read the Bible to know and to relate with God; His essence, character, conduct and charisma. We understand the world in which we live through it as well.

T - Stewardship. We are responsible and accountable for the time, talents and treasure God has blessed us with. We use our resources in a wise and equitable way to serve God, the church, and the community.

A - Naturally Supernatural. There is so much more to our lives than just what we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste.  Our lives are profoundly spiritual and find its source in God.  Our live are more meaningful and purposeful as we live from the inside out.
L - Kingdom Living. God's rule and reign is demonstrated in and through our lives for others to see and know how good He is. We reveal his kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit in us.
Y - Everybody matters to God and to us. We are all interconnected just like the human body, and we all have important roles in the Body of Christ. 
S - Empowered to serve. To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. The Holy Spirit empowers us in service, anointing us for every task, endeavour, and initiative.
T - Hospitality. We welcome everyone we come across either on a Sunday at our services or during the week into our individual workplaces and homes.

We have our own Christ Church Catalyst prayer which we use regularly in our services.


Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your grace towards us and your love for us as your family here at Christ Church Stamford.
You've predestined us for fullness in Christ Jesus in whom we are fully mature, fully developed and fully alive.
Help us to keep Jesus at the core of our lives personally and corporately, fervent and unceasing in prayer,
indwelt richly and built up by your Word, being excellent stewards of our time, talent and treasure.
Help us to know intimately and accurately our supernatural origin
so that we can naturally walk in it advancing your Kingdom with our very lives.
Help us to treat everyone with honour and dignity
recognizing their place within the Body of Christ
and also reconciling others yet to know you with our words, deeds and actions. 
Increase our awareness of your Presence indwelling us and
our consciousness of your anointing upon us empowering us
to serve you joyfully & righteously destroying the works of darkness
and shining as bright lights in this present world.
Help us always to be welcoming and hospitable towards
all we meet or come across in Jesus name,